Saturday, March 05, 2005

Difficult Fasting

2 days ago, wanted to discipline myself by fasting and praying but it was no easy experience. once every so often, liana and jirong will say that they are fasting. Now i truly know how difficult it is. I realised that usually in between meals, i would have snacks or pop candies into my mouth to tide me through. So during the fasting period, I kept thinking about food! My mouth was itching for something to put into it. Had to suppress it a little by drinking lots of water. Cephalic phase of GIT kept kicking in and gastric juices churned and swished in my empty stomach. I couldn't concentrate on studying at all! Wow.. if after missing 1 meal, i can feel like this, what about those who have no food elsewhere? So thank God for the bountiful food i have to make me this big. Should try it again with more prayer, to remind me how fortunate i am!

SEL= salt in french

Irritating salty qy really pissed me off! Had my dinner at coffee grounds and he added salt to my funghi soup w/o my knowledge! Drank it happily while i was engrossed in conversation. Only when i've nearly finished it then did he break the news. Grrr.. so post- prandially, my thirst centre was stimulated and i had to keep drinking water! my lips cracked and after the huge intake of water, i had to piss so much. Dunno how i managed to drink the salty liquid! Watch out QY! u and me will become enemies!!! hahaha... only after i pass my driving will i be nice to you the bad role model!


1 more day to CA. chiong sexual reproduction now! argh!!!!!

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