Monday, June 02, 2003

Slept really early last night and didn't do any work the entire weekend. Feel like a pig, a slimeball, just want to slithe and stroll through my entire life. After effects of finals? Maybe. Post-finals have always affected me in unpredictable ways. I may be up and going one year, and like a total cripple in another. We certainly didn't deserve to win the past 5 years, but sure we do this time. But God always allows things to happen for the good. So it maybe a good close relationship with my team mates. Who knows? 20, 30 years down we may still remain the best of friends. I'm sure we will. :) Ok enough of finals, need to get on with life.

How Yew Meng gave me an invitation to the U-20 combined schools right after the finals. I told myself and my parents that after season rugby will be out of my life. I will only study. I certainly didn't expect it, now my heart is itching to play again. My other team mates have all got their south zone colours either due to national team or combined schools, but some how or another, i've always missed the opportunity. I was either injured or chose to go on holiday in canada last june. I feel, without colours, i've nothing to prove or show what i've achieved in my 6 years of rugby. It's like i'm a wandering mediocre member who sits around, being the 28th member of the team, not contributing anything and still get a medal. No offence meant to the 28th member. You're still part of our team. Sigh... I'm in a quandrary. Follow my heart or be a good boy and listen to my mum. (By the way, I think she threw away my letter. Saw her reading it at the edge of my eyes, then this morning, found that it had disappeared from my table.) Lord, please give me strength to make a right decision quick.

Mum is reminding me that i've to leave soon. My ear operation is today at NUH day surgery. Removing the blood clot. Hopefully I'll not have a permanent cauliflower ear. Shall put up a cauliflower pic once i've learnt how to. Bang or someone teach me quick! Ok hope everything will go fine. And that dilligent spirit will infect me once again so that i won't feel so piggish and start on my huge pile of work accumulated over the weekend.

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